Having been rudely awoken by housekeeping staff at 7:45 I bounced out of bed at 9:45. About half an hour later I realised I'd misread the time and it was getting on for noon. Another morning wasted.
We headed in the direction of the river and went through Fort Canning Park. This hill by the CBD (Australasia seems to like this acronym for Central Business District) has worn a variety of hats and is currently a resevoir. Previously it was a fort and one of the many information plaques noted the "Sally Post" an ordinary tunnel exit so named because sally means to rush out and such an exit could be used as a surprise attack against invaders. Ah, I guess that's where to sally forth comes [from]. Fancy learning some English in a Singapore park?
On down to the banks of the (quite stinky at times and always mucky) Singapore river. I had a hot stone lunch -- cue a hot stone with a lump of [slowly cooking] Norwegian salmon -- which was quite good. And good value too at S$10. We then went down to the Merlion where having taken a photo of the Japanese lining up to be photo'd
before Helen was roped in to take inumerable photo's of them en masse. A quick detour to Suntec City, home of the world's largest fountain (a mere 14m -- surely there's something in Las Vegas bigger) which was shut off for maintenance.
Time for high tea and so off to the Raffles Hotel which is taken in the Billiard Room
. where we stuffed ourselves stupid in true tourist fashion. Much better than the relatively diminutive Vic Falls Hotel we were initially a bit taken aback that it was a buffet. But what a fine spread
We then went in search of Chinatown which isn't too hard to find where we ambled around a bit without either seeing much or entering many shops. Just soaking up the atmosphere: noisy, bubbling, buzy town. Foolishly I tried enquiring as a double check the cost of the underwater camera kit and was waylaid for half an hour. Boy these salesmen are tenacious. I did find out that the last sale of the day is as important to the Singaporeans as the first.
We slowly trudged back to base via coffee and Internet shops. It felt like a long day in the end.
Grand Central Hotel, Singapore N1.30137
E103.84187 Elev. 35m
Copyright 2003 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.