We lie in as much as possible before dragging ourselves over for a somewhat uninspiring continental breakfast just before ten. We faffed for a little while in the room, including realising that spending IDR100,000 on last night's meal blew our cash contingency so we'll have to get more money out to pay the IDR100,000 departure tax tomorrow.
We head up the road to a local supermarket/art display where you can look at lots of Balinese wares without being harangued by staff. It's hot, though, and the sweat is pouring off us. We stop for lunch and recover then head off again. We detour down to the beach via an impressive display of bonsai at the back of the aptly named Bonsai Cafe to find a very disappointing scene. The beachfront lacks a beach for a start (it is high tide and it did day in the book...) but there's no sand at all here and worse it's a bit of a construction site. The promenade has slipped, it looks like, and they [are] building groynes every 100 yards so it's all a bit of a mess. I'm sure it'll be great in a few years time but there's little room for ordinary joes as the shore front is "owned" by the big hotels off the main road so there's nowhere to lounge when the tide comes in.
Back at the hotel, I for one, take a quick nap then spend a while getting my journal up to date.
We went down to the pool after six to chill out and arguably warm up from the air conditioned room into the very cosy temperature pool. We met up again with Oscar and Anna who'd been on a Bali day trip. In preactice much like our first day where the first two stops fleece you of IDR250,000 or so before you reach the smaller stuff.
We head off for dinner as a group and go into a Japanese restaurant, Anna convincing the rest of us it was Indonesian. I had a dinner box including some sushi which, if my trip to Tokyo for Fujitsu was anything to go by, will be making a fleeting visit to my alimentary canal. When we part for the night I'm left with the feeling that we're not worthy, we're not committed enough travellers -- or possibly interesting enough people (fair enough!) -- to be kept in touch with.
Helen spies a frog ("roggie") on the way to our room then frightens herself when, after trying to provoke it to move, it suddenly hops away. Hmm...
Swastika Bungalows, Sanur S8.69421 E115.26258 Elev. 71m!
Copyright 2003 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.