We rolled out of bed just before nine then panicked slightly as checkout time was 9:30. My shower head came of in my hand before it decided the two temperatures were lukewarm or scalding. The same funny people from last night turned out to be staff and had a funny attitude this morning. We were strangers in town, time to run.
We went back up to Noosa where we nabbed a 1 hour parking slot which gave time for breakfast but two laps of the town didn't show any longer term spaces. Time to go. We tried running down the coast but it's not easy and in no time we're back on the Bruce Highway and into Brisbane. Our YHA map to find the hostel is about 750m square and so it's a wee while before we find Upper Roma St. -- it's not the first map that's been a bit useless.
The YHA isn't bad, though, we're air-conditioned, en-suited and quite comfy for our AU$68. We've cancelled our last night, the 17th, as it appears we fly at 00:15am on the 18th, a little earlier [in the day] than we thought. Never mind. We have a quick run round town looking for South East Asia guides before slumping in Borders cafe for cake and coffee. Bizarrely, Borders air freight in copies of some tatty Hollywood/celeb gossip rag and Sports Illustrated (confined to those sports Americans have heard of) both with AU$12 price tags on them! Shockingly expensive. As seemed their coffee but Helen convinced me it was on a par with McCafe (a bit damning on us to use McDonalds as a measure).
We pop into a Cyber Cafe. This one takes the usual noisy wargamers a bit further by giving everyone (about 40-50 terminals) a huge comfy seat and surround sound speakers. It might be to drown out the blasting TVs on the wall showing some sort of youth/music program.
Tornado's equipment is up for grabs at auction (thanks, Lindsey!) and I'm tempted to bid for one of the Sun's. Actually, I'm tempted to put in a comedy bid for one of the racks but what would I do with it? What's worrying though is that I set up or managed the setting up of all of those bits and peices and I'm having a hard time remembering the details of how it's set up. It's only four months ago!
I was graced with the last Prime Rib from the chain restaurant over the road [from the YHA]. Having a small doubt about the healthiness of the slab of meat for both pinkyness and end-of-line'yness. I resorted to the age old saviour of dodgily cooked food (see BBQ): plenty of alcohol.
Brisbane YHA S27.46660
E153.01282 Elev. 40m
Copyright 2003 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.