A continental breakfast with confiture des groseilles (looked like red gooseberries on the picture -- tasted like marmalade) distracted by a man wearing a light jacket decorated with a detailed map of the world. Surprisingly, an American.
Wow! I nearly forgot to mention the "three personnes" lift. I could just fit in widthways and Helen and I filled it completely. Trades Descriptions would have a field day.
Up the Eiffel Tower -- the queue was quick, 40 minutes to the top. A very
poor GPS signal and the phone was cut off when Jan (my sister) rang to wish
us "Bon voyage!" You've already gone?!
Eiffel Tower, N48.85819
For some reason we stood in a queue for an hour for sandwiches -- it
was only 20 people long!
Marched back along the Seine. Sat and watched the Place de la Concorde go by. Filmed our "swollen feet." Centre Pompidou looks a bit unadventurous these days. Back on the RER -- tried to give our spare Metro tickets away. Marvelled at a departure board that still "flickers." Mistakenly sat on the segmented curvy seating -- the segments are bounded by metal that digs in when the cushion gives way. D'oh!
John, Tez, Rose, Mike, Twistie, Uncle Nick and Tim came to the pub to bade us farewell. Geoff overcharged us as a parting gift. Diana corrected him and palmed us off with a used dollar bill.
Copyright 2002 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.