Awoken with a cold shower -- no-one told us how to use the water heaters until after!
Saw a giraffe en route to our first stop, the (dry) Limpopo River crossing and immediately the border with Botswana. Some form filling later and we're off and immediately into Mashuta Park where, amongst dozens of groups of impala, we bumped (almost literally) into a herd of elephants. Much excited filming later we continued down the bumpy gravel track passing zebra, ostrich, guinea fowl etc. - all before 10am. The wide fenced (littered) roads of South Africa continue into Botswana though the standard of living does seem better -- two single room huts with a roundel(?) if Bobonang is anything to go by. Reversed back over a bridge to see a Saddlebill stork (I thought we were lost! [we were]). The most common creatures appear to be cattle, donkeys and goats which seem to roam semi-wild along the roads.
Botswana's infrastructure seems to be very British, our number plates, phone numbers and even the speed traps (stopped twice, one ticket). The British Army does train here.
At the third foot and mouth prevention barrier they threatened to confiscate, then did.
You're stealing our food!
exclaimed Paul before they burnt some of our meat. just
before the fourth we had a mad rush to hand the frozen meat down the bus and into hiding
but we weren't stopped.
Then the A3 to Nata lodge S20.22461
E26.26962 Elev. 919m.
A birthday beer with candle from Helen and Rich.
Copyright 2002 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.