An early start for a 6.30 departure for the 600km drive to Arusha. The problem with Africa being that it isn't set up for campers and Drifters are unlikely to offer a 30 day bush camp trip. The result is quite large gaps on the trip where there aren't any camps so you end up with quite long drives, eg. today is predicted to be 10 or 11 hours. It turns out that Paul has quite a lot of flexibility over the itinerary -- mostly due to the vagieries of Africa. Take our case, we simply didn't go to Zimbabwe on day 2 as planned. But there's a limit to where you can go.
En route we made a couple of toilet stops including one at a petrol station where one enterprising guy was flogging a miniature Drifters truck -- he does appropriate trucks for other companies. On the dry 600m plateau we passed a clearly fenced off 50m square area containing a 40m communications tower and two very small, toilet sized huts. One had a guard sat on the floor, the other was probably a toilet. That was it, nothing else, no vehicles, nothing. Not the best job in the world.
Another shortcut under the railway line -- this time a blokey bent double on his bicycle to make it under.
Finally, we joined the 97% who don't see any significant part of [Mount] Kilimanjaro. We took some scrappy film of fleeting glimpses of the summit.
This morning I picked my clothes from the line wetter with dew then when I put them up. Things aren't looking good on the clothes front. Let's hope we find the laundry man tomorrow.
Masai Camp, Arusha S3.38527
E36.71998 Elev. 1346m.
Copyright 2002 Ian Fitchet. All rights reserved.